
Campeche, the city- port in Mexico

Campeche, the city on the Yucatán Peninsula

Campeche city, port on the Gulf of Mexico, and capital of Campeche state, southeastern Mexico. It lies on the Yucatán Peninsula at the western end of a fertile plain in a natural amphitheatre formed by hills overlooking the Bay of Campeche.

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The Spanish town was founded in 1540 on the site of a Mayan village (Kimpech), the remains of which are still visible.
This picturesque city is a relatively undiscovered jewel in the treasure trove of destinations that make up Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

The colonial city of Campeche was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. One glance explains why: the cobblestone streets, meticulously restored pastel-colored facades of row upon row of Spanish Colonial buildings and intact stone walls of the old city (built to repel the pirates that plundered the city in the 17th and 18th centuries) render the entire town postcard-perfect.

Campeche, the colonial city of Yucatan

Vacation in Campeche

The Spanish town was founded in 1540 on the site of a Mayan village (Kimpech), the remains of which are still visible.
This picturesque city is a relatively undiscovered jewel in the treasure trove of destinations that make up Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

The colonial city of Campeche was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. One glance explains why: the cobblestone streets, meticulously restored pastel-colored facades of row upon row of Spanish Colonial buildings and intact stone walls of the old city (built to repel the pirates that plundered the city in the 17th and 18th centuries) render the entire town postcard-perfect.

Campeche, the colonial city of Yucatan